Sunday, April 8, 2012

Here we go again

I will be the first to admit that I am awful at this whole blogging thing. I was reading through posts on my old blog and got sad that we don't have any documentation on what has happened in our lives the past several years. So I decided to put it out into the universe that I would really like to do a weekly post. I'm not making any promises here, this is just what I would like to do. I want to be able to look back on this one day and remember all the fun things we used to do when we were young. I'm not going to try and play catch up on these last few years. The pictures we have should be enough for us to try and piece it all together.

Winter is making it's way out the door which means my favorite time of year is just around the corner. I LOVE when the sun comes out and we get to play outside more.

Mattie has been playing on the same softball team for several years now. There first game of the season was this last weekend and it was a blast, as always. I refuse to play, but I think I get more excited about it than some of the players. His team is full of our closest friends so there is never a dull moment. I always tell Mattie that he has to hit a home run for me each game. He managed to hit 3 out of the park for me between the 2 games. He's not willing to pay the consequences of disappointing me. :) Most of the team usually goes out to dinner after the games, but it was just a small crowd this time. We have a love/hate with the manager at Village Inn. We tend to be loud and obnoxious and there have been a few times where things have really gotten out of hand. Luckily he is forgiving and appreciates our business.

It was time for Jack to get a summer hair cut so Mattie took the dogs in early Saturday morning. Both dogs were spoiled with doggy facials, manicures and a bath. I went to part of my mom's family's annual Harris Day. Everyone went to Trafalga and then I met up with the crew at the park by Lehi pool. We all just hung out and ate Purple Pig Pizza. My family is huge, so it's fun to get together and enjoy everyone's company. I came home and we took the dogs for a long walk. They really love getting out and it's nice to have that time with Mattie where there are no distractions. We then went shopping for new hats. I need to look the part if I'm going to be married to a Yankees fan. :) We spent the evening at our friend Paul and Ashlee's for a movie night. I feel like life gets real busy sometimes so it was nice to just have a chill night in.

Sunday we decided to take the dogs to the dog park. Those of you who know Jack can understand our fears with this. He's 25 pounds soaking wet, but has managed to take down Pitbulls and Rotweilers multiple times. We have wanted to work on socializing him a bit, but it's a bit overwhelming. We started out easy by just walking them around the perimeter of the park. Once both dogs calmed down a bit we took them inside, but kept their leashes on. We were pleasantly surprised by how well they both did. We spent at least 30 minutes walking around the park with their leashes on and squirt bottle handy so we could spray them if they got too crazy. Mattie is a little more trusting and finally let Jack of his leash. I couldn't let Cori be the only dog in the park with her leash still on. That would just be embarrassing! The difference was night and day in how they interacted with other dogs. Hopefully we can make this a weekly occasion. Our dogs will be the best behaved dogs on the block. Psh.. yeah right! Progress not perfection right? :) We'll take what we can get with that one.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Some 411 that Kacee left out...

I love how Kacee recently laid down our story on here. Seriously. It read beautifully and I really enjoyed reliving our experience together as my eyes went over single word... twice. It was as if the love she has for us was jumping off the page at me saying "REMEMBER THIS?!"

Well, I do remember. However, there is something she left out that I feel is a big part of our story. Let me tell you what she meant when she says that we "...finally admitted our feelings for each other that night..."

After we had shared a wonderful dinner in our fort that evening we decided to go watch TV in her bedroom. I knew, somewhere inside me, that the moment had come to be honest about my feelings for her. The thought on my mind was that if she didn't feel the same way it would be the end of our wonderful friendship. So I decided to try and broach this topic, my feelings for her, without breaking the physical barrier. Thus, using words. I fumbled everything from the start. Stuttering, voice trembling, hands shaking a bit. Just hit with a wave of anxiety I didn't see coming. She picked up on this and what happened next is the part I wanted people to know about because it was so unlike Kacee.

Seeing me fumbling over my words, Kacee let me off the hook and came in for the kill. SHE KISSED ME!!!! And I'm so happy she did. Our relationship took off after that and we have continued to grow ever since. We couldn't wait to move in together. I could hardly wait to ask her to marry me. She is the one I have been searching for and have found. She is the one that I can truly say that, I'd rather fight with her.... than make love to anyone else.

Thank you for setting up this blog Beautiful. You're the Poop... for real. 123

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How we came to be..

I've decided that it's time for me to enter the blogging world once again. I was quite the slacker with my old blog so I'm hoping that I'll be able to change that with this new blog. I know most of you know us already, but I need to write our story out before I start forgetting bits and pieces! I promise that all the posts won't be this long. I'm not going to try and play catch up on all the things that have happened since we started dating but I do need to make sure this is written down somewhere.

Matt and I met in September 2006. I was invited to a new friend's house after a meeting to play some poker. I knew there wasn't even going to be a familiar face there but I was trying to get to know new people so I decided to go hang out. I regretted it the moment I got there. There were probably 10 people laughing and having the time of their lives. I immediately regretted going and began to think of excuses to leave. They were all very friendly, but I definitely felt like an outsider. Matt went out of his way to make me feel comfortable. He explained the rules of poker to me and even made sure to warn me about some guys I needed to stay away from. He acted like a big brother who had my back.

We got to know each other better when I moved in with my friend Arianne and he began to come over for movie nights. We would all lay blankets out in the back yard and sleep under the stars looking for Orion's Belt. I became very close with a great group of friends and considered Matt a big part of me feeling included in the group. I began to develop a crush on him, but was quick to shut those feelings out as I knew that it wasn't a good idea. He would never be interested in a girl like me and I couldn't risk ruining a great friendship.

We continued to grow closer as time went on and he began to refer to me as his sister. We went on double dates and camping trips together. He was my # 1 pool partner. We were there for each other during new relationships, break ups and everything that life threw at us. Everyone assumed that we were dating but we were quick to make it known that we were just good friends.

There is a camping trip that we do every year at Defa's Dude Ranch. It typically starts on Friday but Matt and I decided to go up on Wednesday my first year. We spent those 2 days alone getting attacked by cows, hiking, carving our names in trees, laughing, talking and playing card games. We had so much fun the first year that we decided to do it again the second year. Unfortunately he wasn't able to get work off the next year so I went up early and set up camp for him. My uncle had unexpectedly passed away less than a week before so I was extremely emotional that year. He pulled me a side to check on me and make sure I was doing okay. I wish I could remember the details of this conversation more, but I do remember he said something about how he was grateful that he never asked me out, even though he wanted to. He loved our friendship and wouldn't want anything to ruin that. I began to think about what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. I couldn't imagine a more perfect relationship because we already knew everything about each other. I tried to ignore these feelings again but was not successful.

My birthday was a week or so later and we spent the whole day by my pool. He had been seeing a friend of ours casually and it just so happened to be her birthday too. We met up with her at the Lindon pool and then went to his house for cards to celebrate. My good friend Jacob dropped a bomb on me that night hinting that Matt might like me, but I refused to let myself get excited. He went out of town for business for a couple weeks and I was in the middle of a Tori Amos tour so we didn't hang out much for the next few weeks but we did talk all we could. I began to notice that our conversations were becoming much more frequent. We went from talking a few times a week to a few times a day.

We had built a fort together before and began planning our next fort. We planned to call it Epic Fort Night. Little did I know just how epic it would be! After 3 years of being close friends, we both finally admitted our feelings for each other that night and have been together ever since. He is the love of my life and my best friend!